Thursday, 7 March 2013

Thursday Night Jitters.


SO tomorrow I have some sort of presentation that I have to do. Now being the cheap procrastinate I am, I used my website as my independent study project. I mean, if I am doing this, I should at least get an A, right? This was basically effortless, and since all the views I have been getting are included in the grade, I should get an A.

Hear that, Teach?

So these days, I have been trying to watch movies a lot, but all these ads keep popping up. If there is one thing I hate more in the world than someone wearing the same outfit as me, it is  ads. They may seems all nice and a bonus, but then?

It tricks you. And I hate getting tricked by something that already corrects my spelling. If I already am being corrected, then at least they shouldn't trick me.

SO there was this ad for an i Pad. And by now, I found out these ad people. They target what you like to buy. SO this summer I am going to Australia with Sophia, so that is going to be pretty awesome. So after we discovered you can buy tickets online(can you believe that?)  the ad targeted that. Such evil people. They had iPhone's, free shoes(that tempted me, as I want new converse) and clothes. I mean, what wouldn't tempt you?

And these days they have this Facebook post where they post about losing 18 pounds. No one loses 18 pounds. They always round up because it sounds nicer..That is how I figured out it was a lie.Any self respecting person who is trying to lose weight will at least honor that golden rule.

SO back to the ad gimmicks is that seems to track your Facebook password, so I advise you if it happens to you to change your password. I didn't get hacked, which I am so proud of, because I have a really long password. Props to all the people with the long passwords.

Another thing that bothers me is that they pop up with all these random people. Like on Twitter.Seriously, i think Nial Horan isn't Niall Horan. People need to understand that. I don't know how they have thousands of followers because all they do is is shout out others. 

Not that that is bad, just .. annoying. If you are role playing, at least tweet something different. Like" Oh, me and the boys are sleeping in today and wearing red noses." Something like that would be nice instead of "Follow @cutetexts she follows back ill be checking and ill follow back #promise #luv you." 

That would piss anybody off. And when people swear at you on Facebook, and the next day, they are all chill and "Sup, girl?" like they didn't try to caps lock you.

Sad people. As you can tell, I am generally angry. But I have more decency than going all sad face emoticon on you guys.I don' think you can even do that on this, but still. I could Google, but I'm better than that. 

So you can follow me on Tumblr at, and I am trying to get the hang of it, but I am getting better. And these days the spell check is totally annoying. No, I want to spell Cody Simpson not randomized. Seriously? Is that a word even?

I mean, here I am, listening to Wish You Were Here, by the way, amazing song, and all this stuff pops up.

To tell you the truth, I am super nervous for tomorrow because I also have to sing. Yeah, stage fright? I got over. But I may have the teeniest, minuscule  tiny grain of liking for some guy, and that is enough to paralyze me.  But you know, I may be able to do this  I got my reed varsity jacket and I am ready to tackle anything. OH YEAH!

Sorry, super weird Sponge Bob moment.You know, after the pirate asks us questions, and the high pitched kids in the background answer  before you can. It's just like Dora, who just tells you she likes it too. And then I yell at the screen that I din't answer yet.


No, that didn't happen yesterday. What you thinking about?


Well, you can now add your email to get all my new blog posts, and you can watch videos on the two side bars. I would have put movies but they're just a bit on websites with ads on them.

I will type later!


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