Thursday, 21 March 2013

Love Pastry Love

Hey !

SO guys, several times I have talked about how much I love something. Well, I never talked about shoes. Until now. You guys probably know that I am a very opinionated person, like I need to have my hipster clothes. But I just started out with this, hence the name Rookie Hipster. 

So obviously you know that if you are messy, you're messy. But as soon as you truly love something, you take care of it.

That's me and clothes. I have clothes for the longest time. Several reasons. One, if I own something, no duh I like it. I mean, why would I have it then? You don't buy clothes you hate.

 Two,I am not a very tall person, i'm about 4 feet 10 or 11, so yes, not very tall. But tall people all the time tell me it sucks to be tall, so it's all good.

But if there is one thing that truly makes a statement about yourself, it's your shoes. Think about it. If your shoes are scuffed up, you don't care, and if they are really clean, that means your over protective.  

But if you have hipster,funky, rocking kicks( yes I said kicks, get over it,) and their clean, you know you got your self a Pastry Girl.

Now, you may be wondering what on earth is a Pastry Girl. Well, first see my face of shock, and my tears if you don't and then read on.

Love Pastry is the hippest company( I said hippest, not hippie,) to buy shoes and clothes from. I mean, the shoe beside this, is one of the cutest shoes I have ever seen. Now, some of you may be thinking, I couldn't possibly afford something like that one my borrow from parents money. Well, it's less money than you think.


Love Pastry was created with the vision, not like Raven visions, to allow girls who love fashion( a.k.a me and you guys)  that would be able to afford fashion friendly shoes and clothes. And trust me, these shoes are incredible. 

Some of them look like sneakers, but have a wedge. Some of them are bright colours, sparkly, or have chains. Some have heels and others are shiny with cool prints. Whatever they look like, they are extremely hip. the cool thing is, if you have Instagram they have contests and on Twitter, where you go to a store and take a pic, and you could win free shoes .

Now, Love Pastry was created by Vanessa and Angela Simmons, who created it in 2007. now, in 2007, I personally, was 8 years old and learning multiplication, and getting over the fact that boys have cooties. And they made a brand. Sad comparisons.

Dutchess Pie

Love Pastry fans are called Pastry girls. They have stores in 15 countries, which is a lot of countries. Once you think about it, Canada is one large country, and so is America. So it's big. And Russia. And China.

BTW, in China there are so many people, that even if you are a one in a million type of person, there are a thousand other people just like you. So yay that i'm in Canada, and ride polar bears. I don't even know who came up with that.

But follow Love Pastry on Twitter and Instagram, so you guys can maybe win one of their contests! And the next time you go to a shoe store, remember them and also remember the fact that I have never even seen a polar bear-up close. 

See ya!


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