Well, this is going to be a small article. It is the last day of 2013, however, so it only makes sense.
I've been gone awhile. No Twitter, no blogging, no gmail. I really needed time to focus on what I wanted to do. I know in my last post I said I wanted to blog more, but I had to think about the responsibilities of all this blogging. It's really hard to commit to a blog. And I discovered that the hard way.
But I am happy to say that I am back to blogging, on Fridays and on Sundays, and maybe even Wednesdays. I do have to really crack down on the studying because of the (shudder) exams coming up. I only have two, for science and for geography, but it's still enough to keep me awake at night. Along with Pretty Little Liars. Sophia and I have been watching maybe 4 episodes every night. It's intense. She literally latches onto me at the end of the show and I have to haul her up the stairs.
In new, exciting news, the new Urban Decay Naked 3 palette came out. It's mostly a mix of pinks, along with with a couple of brown and a matte black. It's great for all skin tones, and pigmented, so it turns out great. I definitely have it on my wishlist, cause I only got to try it out, but I will be heading to Sephora to buy it as soon as possible.
To wrap up 2013, I just wanted to say that I love all of you guys who took the time to actually read all of my articles in the last year. I know it's hard to believe, but this 14 year old appreciates everything that you guys email to me. You guys can follow my blog, and follow me on twitter of course. I'll try to post when I have new blog posts.
See you guys!
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Tuneful Tuesday
As you can tell from the past blog post from 2 days ago, I have auditioned and made it into the Glee Group in my school.
Now, if any of you people have watched(or just read the episode guide, i'm not judging) of the show Glee, it's basically the same thing. The singing I mean, not the whole drama stuff. But we do have practices though less frequent, every Tuesday and Wednesday, so today I had Glee.
What I love about Glee is that they honestly are all so nice. There are only 5 grade nine's including myself(awkward) but everyone else is so welcoming and kind. I'm always in a good mood when the practice is over.
But today, I was feeling terrible because my voice and throat was killing me, and I was in a select group for the song we were practicing( Mirrors by JT) and we had to sing 3 octaves higher than Justin did. Now, if you listened to the song, you would realize how high I had to go. So now my throat hurts.
But other than that, it was a great day because I found my blue skinny jeans. It turned out my mom washed it, so I wore them with a blue jean blazer and a pink top for contrast.
It wasn't a typical fall outfit, but I was feeling cheery as the sun was out.But it was absolutely freezing.
Recently, everybody has been getting the flu, so I have done my best to protect myself from the germs floating around. But something I have noticed is that many people who were recently baby faced have developed quite a bit of acne.
Now, last year I did have acne, so I have gone back to my daily routine, just to guarantee that it won't come back. I genuinely feel the pain of all those girls who do have acne, because the boys genuinely don't care. It's a bit odd, but boys do have less drama then girl apparently.But Justin uses proactiv, so whatever.
My worst crisis which has cropped up has been brought to my attention by one of my best friends. She had been creeping people on Facebook( AS WE ALL DO) and stumbled upon my profile. The next day she had alerted me that I hadn't changed my photo in a YEAR. Now, if you are a teenager, then you know how truly long that is. It isn't even the best of photos either, as I am not a photogenic person. The only thing I like in photos are my eyes. My smile always looks a bit creepy :)
Well, I have to go as I need to study math, which I don't even have this semester, but my mom is making me.
Mom logic.
See ya!
Glee!!! |
As you can tell from the past blog post from 2 days ago, I have auditioned and made it into the Glee Group in my school.
Now, if any of you people have watched(or just read the episode guide, i'm not judging) of the show Glee, it's basically the same thing. The singing I mean, not the whole drama stuff. But we do have practices though less frequent, every Tuesday and Wednesday, so today I had Glee.
What I love about Glee is that they honestly are all so nice. There are only 5 grade nine's including myself(awkward) but everyone else is so welcoming and kind. I'm always in a good mood when the practice is over.
It's like your my mirror |
But today, I was feeling terrible because my voice and throat was killing me, and I was in a select group for the song we were practicing( Mirrors by JT) and we had to sing 3 octaves higher than Justin did. Now, if you listened to the song, you would realize how high I had to go. So now my throat hurts.
But other than that, it was a great day because I found my blue skinny jeans. It turned out my mom washed it, so I wore them with a blue jean blazer and a pink top for contrast.
It wasn't a typical fall outfit, but I was feeling cheery as the sun was out.But it was absolutely freezing.
Recently, everybody has been getting the flu, so I have done my best to protect myself from the germs floating around. But something I have noticed is that many people who were recently baby faced have developed quite a bit of acne.
What I use to look purty:) |
Now, last year I did have acne, so I have gone back to my daily routine, just to guarantee that it won't come back. I genuinely feel the pain of all those girls who do have acne, because the boys genuinely don't care. It's a bit odd, but boys do have less drama then girl apparently.But Justin uses proactiv, so whatever.
My worst crisis which has cropped up has been brought to my attention by one of my best friends. She had been creeping people on Facebook( AS WE ALL DO) and stumbled upon my profile. The next day she had alerted me that I hadn't changed my photo in a YEAR. Now, if you are a teenager, then you know how truly long that is. It isn't even the best of photos either, as I am not a photogenic person. The only thing I like in photos are my eyes. My smile always looks a bit creepy :)
Well, I have to go as I need to study math, which I don't even have this semester, but my mom is making me.
Mom logic.
See ya!
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Fall Love
So guys, school has started! I actually thought I would start hating school by the second day, but I really am liking high school. I haven't seen anyone get shoved in a locker, though I have seen someone break pencils against their forehead. Repeatedly.
What can I say? You can take the annoying ninth grader out of middle school, but you can't take the middle school out of the annoying ninth grader.
But that is to say, school is great so far, and I do love my teachers and my classes. But the best thing about school is fall time. I am a HUGE fan of the fall. The colours the smells, the cold but not really cold weather. Actually, it was super cold on Friday, which was annoying, because it was only the second week of school. And it's not like I was wearing a giant coat or something.
SO guys, you may be wondering where the heck Tami went, and I have found one word to sum it all up: HIGH SCHOOL.
You think, eh, it's not that much different than middle school, but oh, yes, it is.
For example, in the past month, I have:
SO guys, you may be wondering where the heck Tami went, and I have found one word to sum it all up: HIGH SCHOOL.
You think, eh, it's not that much different than middle school, but oh, yes, it is.
For example, in the past month, I have:
- Got the stomach flu and had to come home, in the middle of science class(don't worry, no public puking)
- Have to shower everyday because I have gym in the morning(eww, i feel like sweat all day)
- Fixed my annoying bangs to be long side bangs( they look so much cuter now)
- Met thousands of hundreds of new people(older grades are so awesome, but they love my body spray. Creepy.)
- Tried out for Glee in my school and made it( I can sing! Yes!)
- Shopped. A lot.
- Stayed up later than I have ever had(not counting vacay) doing HOMEWORK.
- Taught Sophia about how smokey eye really brings out the colours in her eyes.
I promise I am starting to blog way more and am getting my YouTube channel ready! But I feel terrible and Honesty feel like tsking myself.
As you know, I am currently getting a beauty blog up, but it's taking more than I anticipated, so it is taking a while. Also, as I mentioned before, I have way more homework now, so it's hard to balance it.
But I did think about how much I love blogging, so yeah. Even though people say I am a bit young. Hello, I can get a job at Ardene if I wanted to.
Dang straight.
But I came to here and was surprised I was still getting daily views, even though I didn't blog since September. So thank you for everyone who stil came back on my blog!
So I will blog as soon as possible, probably about my fav things for fall, but I missed you guys!
See ya!
Dang straight.
But I came to here and was surprised I was still getting daily views, even though I didn't blog since September. So thank you for everyone who stil came back on my blog!
So I will blog as soon as possible, probably about my fav things for fall, but I missed you guys!
See ya!
Monday, 9 September 2013
Urban Decay New Holiday Collection
Today was probably the most epicest day of my life.
Yeah, I went to school, did a whole bunch of other stuff,but I was dying until I could tell you all about the new Urban Decay Collection which has come out! As you know, I love Urban Decay Naked Palettes, so it was a pleasant shock when I received the news in the mail.
Urban Decay actually made me really happy because I loooooove all of their palettes, and a new one anyway.
Keep in mind, you, my readers, will probably be the first to hear about it so spread the word!
Today was probably the most epicest day of my life.
Yeah, I went to school, did a whole bunch of other stuff,but I was dying until I could tell you all about the new Urban Decay Collection which has come out! As you know, I love Urban Decay Naked Palettes, so it was a pleasant shock when I received the news in the mail.
Urban Decay actually made me really happy because I loooooove all of their palettes, and a new one anyway.
Keep in mind, you, my readers, will probably be the first to hear about it so spread the word!
Monday, 5 August 2013
Young Hollywood Awards
-->So guys, I am sure that you knew that the Young Hollywood Awards were on August 1, 2013. And personally, I think this is one of the most important award shows for anyone whos a singer(or rapper) dancer, actor or actress. Apparently, on the website, it says that it is "the young Oscars" but the Oscars are just for acting and stuff, and this is for everything. And I have known from experience that most of the people on the red carpet at the Oscars, I don't even know. And when I watched this, I knew almost everybody. And I squealed a lot.
I mean, I usually don't, but as soon as I saw Becky G, I was like"OMG BECKY!!!!!!!" and I had a total Sophia moment when she talks about Cameron Boyce. Seriously, that girl is his biggest fan.
But I decided to do my own awards for the awards show, and I hope you guys don't take offense, because this is all my own opinion.
Let's do this.Na Na Na Na Na.(Hannah Montana throwback memory)
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Spring and Summer Trends
I don't even know where to start, cause you can BANDAGE the DAMAGE, you never really can fix a heart. Cause I ran out of ban-aids. Yes, I quoted Demi, get over it. Although in reverse order. Actually, not really, but yeah. So I decided this post is going to be a trends of Summer 2013, because I can't do 2014, because I am not Raven. But, first I wanted to mention that One Directions new song, Best Song Ever has the best music video ever. You have to watch it. So I put it on the side for you.Or the top, because this computer is super annoying.
I love how I was quoting Demi, but put One Direction. Also, in music news, Ariana Grande's new song Baby I was released early to her You Tube channel. I 'll put it at the side. Or the top.You know how it is.
But here are the trends! In no particular order.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
My Current Obsessions
So guys, I may not be a super fan of anything, but I do have obsessions. I mean, I am a teenage girl, so I have to have some obsessions, right?
So anyways my obsessions may be a bit more weirder than you guys, because of the terrible influence which are my friends. They aren't bad, as they help a lot, but the stuff we do sometimes are just ridiculous. So basically I might as well get started because pretty soon I will have to go. I don't know, these days I have so much trouble with just trying to make my summer calmer. We all know that the heat goes to your head and affects WAY more than the frizz factor.
So here we go! Not really because the most activity your doing, unless you are a multitasker, all you are doing is scrolling which doesn't exactly give you a P.E award. Oh, and I did tell you that I was going to blog today, right? I kept my promise!
Friday, 19 July 2013
June Favourites
So guys, today as you can tell, I am doing my June Favourites, June was a really great month because it was the last month of school, you had way less homework, and everything seemed to be on sale. Seriously. And also, I forgot to do them, so I might as well now. I wil have a new post up on Sunday at the latest.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
My Top Beauty Guru's
So guys, these days I have been taking requests, because it seems like a good thing to do. And this has been one of the largest requesting thing. I mean, I have been getting some like, top outfit picks and stuff, but I will publish it soon. I have like, a billion drafts but I never finish them.
So before we start, or , I start, because your reading and I am writing I just wanted to say a few things. Since it is almost summer, I may be doing some more summer related things. I did think about starting a new blog all about makeup, but then I decided that I would create a tutorial page for makeup. I can't really do hair, but maybe I will.
Just so you know, this is all my opinion, and they are my top beauty guru's because they are relatable and have easy tutorials. And also, most of them are funny, which make is more enjoyable.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
How to dress like Ariana Grande
SO guys, I can't believe I didn't post since the last day of school. It's been a bit hectic, because I have been trying to get a few things done at home and trying to get a good camera. But I feel terrible, and I wouldn't blame you guys if you yelled at me electronically. But I have done a lot of drafts.

Anyways, as you can tell by the title,I am a HUGE Ariana fan. I mean, she's just so awesome. And these days I have been trying to get some outfit inspiration, and she is great for the summer. I thought you guys might want to know about her generally, because she has awesome hair, for one, and great style. I mean, a lot of people think she likes attention, but she is really down to earth.
If your wondering where I got the photos, I got them from here .
Friday, 28 June 2013
Last Day of School and 811
I didn't put an exclamation mark becuase I am not feeling happy and preppy today. As many of you told me, it is the last day of school. And for you guys, probably the last day of middle school. But for me, today was much more than that.
Today was the end of 811. 811 was my class for the past two years. And when I say that they were incredible, they were. We were totally in different to each other the first year, but this year we were close and today was the end of everything.
Friday, 14 June 2013
May Favourites
So guys, this is going to be super fast and it may be confusing because I am listening to a lot of songs, and I get pretty confused. I mean, it's pretty hard to rap and type at the same time. Occasionally you have to go back and look at the lyrics, or you rewind it because you missed your favourite part.
I am jamming out right now actually.
Anyways, I'll be creative and do my songs first, since it's at the top of my head.
Friday, 7 June 2013
A Answering Session
So Tami here, and these days people have been emailing me a lot, asking questions. Well, I understand why you would ask questions, and I put off answering them. Some of them were really obvious like there was a extremely racist person who asked me if I was black. Umm, no im indigo.
Monday, 27 May 2013
My Acne Story
SO, I am sure you may have heard me talk about this a little bit, but I thought I might as well give you the full story. My acne went away a bit faster than most, so I thought maybe if I posted something, it may help you guys, so if you ever get acne, you know what to do.
All right, so to start off, I started getting signs of acne in August of 2012. Now, a thirteen year old who doesn't really care about anything, because it's summer, I kind of wish I paid attention. Like, before my acne, I had no pimples. Like, at all. You may think that I am over exaggerating, but I am not. I mean, I was baby faced. And I will admit that when I got acne on my face, it was all over.
What is in my purse?
Hey !

SO guys, as you know, I will be starting my YouTube channel in the summer, technically winter for me cause Australia is backwards,and I probably will do this again, but this is a super quick, personal dive into my purse.
So I do have a purse addiction. I t has gone to the point where is is obsessive. No, they are not cheap purses either. My dad's family is from Kenya,and I do have some purses from there, and I get purses all around the world in a variety of colours.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
high school stuff/Amanda Steele
SO guys, this is going to be super quick.Yeah, it is. Sorry about that.I mean, I haven't blogged in a super long time because of school, and I am starting to go to like high school, in a few months, and teachers are pretty annoying when they want you to do good and be your best. Honestly, I think they want to inflict some pain on us right before we leave, then on the last day be really nice.
Sorry, but I will still have bad memory's of french, even if my teacher gives me a bucket of french fries. Cause I really love french fries. But I really hate french, so it balances out. I just realized french is in both of them.
Anyways, I went on a tour of my high school, which was huge and massive and pretty cool. We got to see all these teachers and some of the grade 11 were super annoying. I understand that we may be way cooler as a age group, but they should understand that trying to bring random 8 graders down, was really stupid. I would have laughed,but you would be proud, because I held it in. Her is my school beside it, which is John Fraser Secondary School.
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