So guys, school has started! I actually thought I would start hating school by the second day, but I really am liking high school. I haven't seen anyone get shoved in a locker, though I have seen someone break pencils against their forehead. Repeatedly.
What can I say? You can take the annoying ninth grader out of middle school, but you can't take the middle school out of the annoying ninth grader.
But that is to say, school is great so far, and I do love my teachers and my classes. But the best thing about school is fall time. I am a HUGE fan of the fall. The colours the smells, the cold but not really cold weather. Actually, it was super cold on Friday, which was annoying, because it was only the second week of school. And it's not like I was wearing a giant coat or something.
But fall time is the best time, other than Christmas time, because I love that whole feel when you go to the mall.
But that is the point of this blog post.The point of this blog post is to go on a pointless rant about fall and whatever is on my mind.
But I have to mention that everyone said high school would be scary and older grades mean, but due to the annoying fact that everyone knows my older brother in 11 grade, even though he doesn't go to my school, no one has been mean yet.
And the only thing scary is that it seemed to be laid out as confusing as possible. I went up the wrong staircase and discovered my school has a balcony. In the school. And I did get lost on my first day, but I just asked whatever person I saw that didn't look like they would cuss at me or something. And they actually did know where they were going, which was nice.
But everyone is like, super tall and i just so happen to be 5 feet, so it's not like i'm Godzilla or anything. More like Minizilla.
And it seems like everyone is different this year, new haircuts, no more boot-cuts etc. It feels like everyone is dressed different too. More reflective of who they are, not what everyone else is wearing. And it is very cool, to see people getting a start on fall fashion.
I personally love stuffing my closet with all my fall stuff and bringing it out from my closet-where-the-clothes-i-can't-use-in-that-season go. And I found my shirt from grade 4, which, surprisingly fit, except for the top part(for obvious reasons).
But something that seems to shock everyone this year the most about my in my glasses.
Yes, people, I wear glasses. I actually have terrible eyesight, which I had managed to hide from my friends for 7 years. I should be a spy or something. But people are like,"Whoa, Tami, you have glasses?Since when?"
I hate glasses because my eyes are really big( sometimes I scare Sophia with them) and they can see over the tops of the square ones I had. And I look, well, nerdy.
But yeah. I started re-reading this right now, and I noticed it is a ramble. Oh well. The paragraphs aren't connected sat all.
Also, my hair has grown around two inches, which was really good. I started taking biotin in the summer, around late August, and my hair grew out, so it's finally an inch past my shoulders, with no split ends. And it's really soft, but it's no where as long as Sophia's or has her gorgeous curls. Mine are just drab waves.And her hair had some brown while mine is like super-super black. I might put some brown or red on the bottom, what do you think? My mom said I can't use purple, which I am actually okay with.
But fall has been great because I walk home from school( i have a carpool to school) and I have practices for running and swimming and glee after school and when I come hoome my voice is all strained cause we're singing Mirrors by JT and it's literally THE HIGHEST CHORUS EVER.
SO guys, I got to go, but thanks for listening to my pointless rant.
See ya!
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