Friday, 28 June 2013

Last Day of School and 811


I didn't put an exclamation mark becuase I am not feeling happy and preppy today. As many of you told me,  it is the last day of school. And for you guys, probably the last day of middle school. But for me, today was much more than that.

Today was the end of 811. 811  was my class for the past two years. And when I say that they were incredible, they were. We were totally in different to each other the first year, but this year we were close and today was the end of everything.

I really liked all the emails I got, asking me if I was okay, because you guys remembered, and that was so sweet. I am sure you know that my LASS teacher was the best ever, and you sent me cute little stories and stuff, and you really cheered me up. Especially since I was in shock for most of the day. I didn't start crying until I came home, in the comfort of my wonderful, secure bathroom.

So guys, R.I.P 811, because you guys were the best:

  • Directioner

  • Lovatics
  • Beliebers
  • Basketball Players
  • Soccer Players( not really)
  • Singers
  • Dancers
  • Teachers of wrong things(Mark)

I love you guys, and all my Taminators.

I'll post soon.

See you.


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