Colouring Hair.
So today I was listening to music on my YouTube playlist and thinking about how long people playlist are. Mine is around 100 songs or so, and it's private, so some random person can't look at it.
So I glanced over at my friends screen, and he had only 50. It makes sense because he doesn't listen music as much as me. So it got me wondering about how much songs are on people playlist. i could have, of course, walked around and stared at people's screens, but that would be creepy and not help anyone's social status. And it also reflects how your addiction to your favourite singers are.
Then when I came home, I was thinking about how my locker partner had some really cool highlights. And of course, this is the same one who always tells me I look like China. Umm, yeah, sure. I only resemble her because of my skin, and my eyes and my forehead and my hair length(medium). Her teeth are straighter and her nose is larger.
But hen I thought about dip dyed hair. ( I did a lot of thinking) and I realized how much I wanted dip dyed. Lots of celebrities dip dye their hair. But then I realized my parents probably wouldn't allow me to get it permanent. And I wouldn't be allowed to get it in a really cool colour, like purple or green. So I turned to my buddy Google, and looked for different ways to dye hair. And there was a lot, but I think this website actually clears it up. It's called . It works because you can actually see in the website pictures of her daughter.
And don't stare at the screen in confusion! Go look at the website and come back!
As I said before, my parents probably wouldn't allow me to do it. And it would be super hard, considering my hair is black and lighter on the bottom. Sadly, it's natural. I think it's called sun bleaching? I wear my hair in a bun a lot so it makes sense.
So of course, several celebrities started this trend such as
okay, so china actually looks really happy, showing her dip dyed hair a lot. And now you can see why I hate being compared to her, because I cant WIN! Sad, sad , sad.

Okay, so is it this natural to look so awesome in any hair colour? Is it? She has an amazing voice, and now she looks good with any hair colour. And her hair is so long! I always wanted really long hair again.
Now I have to get in the tragic story of my hair.
The years leading up to grade 5, I had really long hair. Really long. And it was braided, in pigtails, ponytails french braids, everything. My mom always did really cool hairstyles. Then my aunt decided she would cut my split ends. I had no split ends. So it turns out she know nothing about cutting, a meter of hair was chopped off, leaving me with hair only to my ears.
Let's just say, I was pissed.
So I had to start grade 6 with short hair. And I had really long side bangs, which sucked. So know my hair is a bit longer than my shoulders, and I personally look like I have layers, but I don't. She wasn't good at cutting.And to tell you the truth, still super angry.
I honestly don't have the worst hair story, but then I got acne. Now it's a billion times better, and it's only left on my cheeks super fain t and look s like freckles,but still.
So now you can go dip dye your hair. And never let your aunts near sharp objects. Unless it's to cut the cake.
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