I was looking at some of my old work, and I remembered this one, so just read it. The younger Tami Green.
Hey hey hey?
Do you remember 2011? It was the year that me and my class bonded, I discovered One Direction,( sadly I was slow on the worlds wide phenomenon) I also feel in love with Bieber(again, slow) and I didn't die in an explosion that was supposed to consist on earth quakes, astriods and solar flares. At least, that;s what was posted on Facebook.
2012 was also supposed to be the year One Direction would get old, Bieber forgotten, and yet again, the world would end.Along with a truck load of impossible things.
Too bad all of the boys, astrologers and Mayans are now disappointed. I mean, who on earth really believed that one direction would be over? I mean, did you hear Kiss You?
But I really didn't understand why ever one was stressing the day before.You should have seen my school. They were all crying and sobbing and saying goodbye, and I'm like, " Don't worry guys. I'm sure Haylor will end one day. Just hope." But nooo. They were more concerned with the world ending. And when they asked what time and others were all like 6:11, I was all it's fake because nothing weird happens at 6:1. It just doesn't happen.
You see now. The world didn't end. Are you not proud of your selves Mayans?
I bet they did that just so we can stress over it. Or maybe they wanted to break a world record for longest calendar. Who knows? Because it was like, a billion years ago and it didn't make sense.
Well, anyways, has anyone seen a lot of these on Facebook?

Now that is not going to be good for harry.
Oh yes, boo hoo, they broke up.What I am really disappointed about was I typed a whole paragraph about them and then they broke up. But I hope that they both don't get a lot of hate even though it is too late to say this cause people are all so rude to Taylor Swift, and a Swifites and Directioners battle? That is not going to be pretty. But she is probably going to write a song with a title like, oh I don't know
Going in the Wrong Direction, I wasn't his one thing, He brought me back to this world,Miss Me,The big Things.
I would think of more, but I don't want to diss One Direction.
But another thing that happened this week in Ontario, because I live in Mississauga, we were supposed to have a day off. 4:00 in the morning we get a phone call that all
" You have school today. This is the government of Ontario, or something official like that" It went differently but I forgot. It was 4 okay.Troll, right?
I thought it was a mean prank but then I remembered.
The government doesn't JOKE.
So when I went, there was my buddy Mark, and only 6 other people. That's all. Which meant no learning pie! Hey, YOLO, right?
But it was really annoying when I got woken up, so I was like" I had plans you know!" and my teacher said" what plans?' so I had to tell the honest truth that I had an intense couch potato day planned and a date with my couch.
How was I supposed to explain that I had to break that date? Do you know it was so hard because I had to text.
Ahh. It feels good to release all of my teen rage.
See you
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