Sunday, 4 May 2014

How I Like To Dress| Hair Routine |

So guys, guess what happened: Tami wore makeup to school!
Turn up!{ i say turn up sarcastically, i'm sorry}
But I wore Revlon's Lash Potion by Grow Luscious and Covergirl's Smoochies, and it was a very interesting experience. I say this because I usually don't have time to do that in the morning,as I usually wake up late and devote my energy to choosing a decent outfit, but I decided to go all out and wear makeup, which no one had seen me in before  which shocked half of the people in my school, so that was a great experience.

So guys, it's been a while since I actually did a beauty related article. And a while back I attempted to explain how I do my hair and how I did it everyday, so I thought i'd do this very quick article.
Now I feel like it's going to end up being long, just because I said it was going to be quick.

So to start off, when I do my hair, I don't use any heat for two reasons: One, I am afraid of burning myself, and two, I am growing my hair out, and using heat causes damage, which doesn't allow your hair to grow. So now that we've cleared that up, let's get on with this.

When I wash my hair , I use the Sun Silk Hydra TLC shampoo and conditioner, which is for dry hair which needs some tender lovin' care{got that from the bottle}. I use the shampoo only on my scalp, and the conditioner on my ends. When I am in the shower, I comb my hair with a wide toothed comb, because it makes the process so much easier later on.
When my hair air dries, I section it into four buns, and apply coconut oil which you can get anywhere really, and comb this through. This help your hair stay really shiny, and it also helps it grow, an added bonus. I also put a silk scarf on it, because I heard that it makes your hair grow longer so YOLO.
And then I got to sleep, because that dang process takes longer than you think.{Jokes, it takes maybe 20 minutes, including the super long shower}
Then I wake up in the morning, and open up my hair which turns a bit wavy. I usually aim for curly, since my hair is naturally straight but poufy{it's a sad world} And it's way more nourished than it would be if I didn't put it in a protective style. 
After that, I just brush it through and tie it however I feel like it that day and that's basically it!
These days I have been thinking about using a hair mask, just to help it grow longer, faster, even though it is growing pretty well. It's down to about where my rib-cage starts, so basically under my breasts. And it grew pretty fast, so yeah.

As I mentioned in the  beginning of this, I spend more of my energy decided what to wear because I do take how I dress very seriously. I do love shopping and clothes, and it's interesting how two people can have the same wardrobe, but wear it in two different ways.

How I dress is bohemian with a little hipster, after all, this blog is called Rookie Hipster.{See what I did there?} I do dress a bit different than others, but I do like how I dress, it's not like I can dress wearing one brand for the rest of my life.
If you want a really good explanation of my clothing, I do look up to how Lucy Hale dresses in Pretty Little Liars. I like wearing dresses, and a lot of jewelry, especially earrings.

My top stores to shop at are:

  1. Sirens
  2. Urban Outfitters
  3. Any vintage store
  4. Forever 21
  5. Dress Link
  6. Urban Planet
  7. H and M

And for shoes,  I basically wear what would go with my outfit, but these days my go to pair of shoes is knee high boots with knee high socks. I think they go great with a cute dress, and you can wear fingerless gloves or whatever you want really. I do dress a bit eclectic, but a lot of you guys were wondering how exactly i wear clothes to school. I have an instagram and it's called rookie_hipster. I'll post a photo of what I usually wear to school so you can see how I dress and look on a regular day!

So guys, I'll post as soon as possible ! Look out for a how to dress like Aria Montgomery in Pretty Little Liars, since she's my favourite and I wanted to do her for a while.

See ya!


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