This week I have noticed something people have probably noticed a while ago.

Justin Bieber apparently was smoking weed, and a whole bunch of girls were cutting themselves.
Wait, wait, hold up.Yes, I said cutting themselves. I am so sorry for that gory image. But homestly, they posted it.It's quite ridiculous how many girls here just all crying, and apparently 3 girls killed themselves to get his attention.
What a while bunch of bull.
I mean, he did it once.It's like when you drink wine once.It's as if One Direction decided to smoke or something...
"Yes, let's go kill and cut ourselves so they can stop!"
That won't change anything.You just make them even more guilty to the fact that Justin is just a teenager.Teenagers do stupid things.Was he in an internationall drug ring consparicy thing?
Will he suddenly want to smoke drugs all the time? No.
The world moves on.Girls were crying and screaming and all,"Poor Justin!"
I just feel bad for the guy becuase he already has so much stress.He apparently tweetedlike something abaout it, but I honestly don't ebelieve it.
And his album is called Beleive?
Troll or what?
His acoustic album came out which is actually really good. I already have this strange addiction to music, and Justin just getting better and better.Even some kid today in my grade admitted that he thought Justin's songs are good.And no guy usually ever even says Justin at all. It's in the bro code apparently.
Speaking of which, whenever some one says Justiin , I randomly break into " Justin, Bieber, You know I'm a hitter with the ether, buns out wiener, but i gotta keep an eye out for Selener!'I don't even know why that comes so naturally now.It's like, I don't even have to think about it.
Remember gurls! Stay strong, and put away the razor or sharp implements!Because this is kind of just some sort of attack on Bieber.Becuase your all like,"You stop smoking, and we'll stop cutting!"
What are you to gain in this? Think about it.
Love you!
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