SO guys, I know I haven't posted in a ridiculously long amount of time, but I hope you can forgive me. I came back to my blog today, thinking no one was reading it, but you guys still were, so thank you.
Emily, Hanna, Spencer and Aria |
Recently I have had a lot of projects and stuff I've been working on which include my book that i'm writing, a couple of acting cases I've been taking, and working on my singing voice. Just a lot of random things that I have been thinking about and working on.
But recently I have been spending some time watching Pretty Little Liars. Originally, my cousin told me about this show, which was kind of interesting, because she made me think she was briefly insane. But when I started watching it, I got really interested in all of the characters. I will admit that I am a bit of a Spoby fan. I just think it's perfect. And I do love seeing all of the clothes they wear. I think I lean toward Aria's style, the dresses and the bright colours, and the jewelry. I love wearing rings,necklaces and bracelets, but my absolute favourite thing to wear is earrings.
Pretty Little Liars season 4 is actually going on right now, and i can't wait for Tuesday, when episode 24 comes out. I love this show almost as much as Teen Wolf, because of the drama and the suspense that happens. You can almost count on having a heart attack every time, and that's the best part of the show.
And if your a guy, you may find it interesting too, because one guy who is in my math class actually watches it,. He says it's pretty good, and in guy talk, you might as well marry the show. I actually think he has a crush on Hanna, but he'll never confess.
If you want to watch the show, it's really easy. I started watching in the third season, and it's pretty easy to catch onto. After all , they do have the whole" Previously on Pretty Little Liars" bit they have before every single show. And if you really want to watch it, you can just go to megashare.
Hope to blog soon!
See ya!